The untimely death of TV actor Vikas Sethi, 48, has sparked worries about the urgency of diagnosing underlying medical conditions in advance of problems like cardiac arrest. The actor from Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi reportedly had “vomiting and loose motions,” according to his wife Jhanvi Sethi. “We asked the doctor to come home because he refused to go to the hospital.”
“He was gone by the time I went to wake him up on Sunday at around six in the morning.” She said, “The doctor there informed us that he suffered a cardiac arrest last night while sleeping.”
As a result, it is critical to recognize the early warning signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest, which can include nausea, vomiting-like sensations, and loose motions that last for a long time. Dr. Anand Ram, consultant interventional cardiologist at Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road, says that these symptoms can be indicators that your heart is not beating correctly. Dr. Ram emphasized that symptoms such as loose motions and vomiting can sometimes be caused by something other than typical gastrointestinal problems. Dr. Ram stated, “Symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, discomfort, chills, and a sense of suffocation, as well as abrupt collapse and loss of consciousness, can occur.”
Chest pain is a classic symptom of myocardial infarction, or heart attacks, according to consultant neurologist Dr Sudhir Kumar of Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad. But in 8–33% of heart attack cases, chest pain might not even be present, he continued.
According to medical professionals, actor Vikas most likely experienced cardiac arrest while sleeping, most likely as a result of a heart attack. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools can all be signs of a heart attack, imitating the symptoms of gastroenteritis or acid peptic disease. Upon sudden disruption of the heart’s blood supply, your body goes into stress mode, which can lead to episodes of vomiting and diarrhoea as well as other digestive problems.
Still, there is a chance that these symptoms are connected to several underlying medical conditions that could seriously affect your heart. This can involve health problems such as allergic reactions to doctor-prescribed medications, excessive stress, anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal disorders, food poisoning, or inflammatory bowel disease. If these symptoms last longer than a few hours; even after getting enough sleep, see a doctor right away for immediate treatment and diagnosis. To ascertain the underlying cause of your ailment, they might assess your symptoms and condition, according to Dr. Ram.
According to Dr. Kumar, heart attacks are frequently misdiagnosed or misinterpreted in patients who do not have chest pain.
However, according to Dr. Kumar, if a person has high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, or is a smoker, among other risk factors, there should be a serious suspicion that they are having a heart attack.
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