Fazilka, 23 May, 2024– C.J.M. Com-Secretary District Legal Services Authority Amanpreet Singh said that a Special Lok Adalat is being organized by the Hon’ble Supreme Court , New Delhi from 29 July 2024 to 03 August 2024, whose cases are pending in the Supreme Court , those other parties If you wish to dispose of your cases through Lok Adalat sitting in the Supreme Court after agreement with, then contact the office of District Legal Services Authority, Fazilka at the earliest (but not later than 28.07.2024) on any working day. can settle their case.
He said that maximum benefit should be taken by submitting resignation through Lok Adalat and for any further information, toll free number 15100 or 01638-261500 can be contacted.
For more information contact toll free number 15100 or 01638-261500