Mumbai: Actor Kiara Advani was hospitalized on Saturday morning. The actor was scheduled to appear at the trailer launch and press meet of her upcoming film Game Changer in Mumbai. However, she did not attend the event.
Kiara Advani will appear in Game Changer alongside Ram Charan
The actor’s hospitalization prevented her from attending the event, the person in charge stated. There were no other details provided regarding Kiara’s ailment.
Kiara will appear in Game Changer alongside Ram Charan. The teaser for the movie was recently released in Lucknow by the production team. The teaser, which lasted more than a minute, depicted Ram transitioning from academia to action. He battled thugs and even romanced Kiara in the video.
According to reports, the movie is situated in the political sphere and revolves around the tale of an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer who opposes dishonest politicians and works to ensure free and fair elections. On January 10, the S Shankar-directed movie will be released in theaters.