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Esha Deol talks about warning signs in a relationship

Wandering eye considered a major red flag in men amongst other behavioral approaches

by The_ReportingTimes

Actor Esha Deol recently addressed several warning signs in relationships in an interview. 

Actress Esha Deol

According to Deol, who filed for divorce from her husband Bharat Takhtani earlier this year, different lifestyles are especially detrimental to relationships. She also cautioned against dating men who have a “wandering eye.” 

“There is no way that you can click with the person when you are not vibrating on the same frequency as them,” she stated in an interview. Individuals who share the same vibrational level as you are more likely to attract or be drawn to you. She continued, emphasising that men who exhibit a “roving eye” are cause for concern. “Dude, even though you have your arm candy with you, you are seeing eye candy. That’s not good,” she added. 

Even in the absence of physical infidelity, wandering attention can damage a relationship’s trust in one another. Maintaining complete commitment in both mind and heart is known as emotional fidelity, and it is crucial for creating a positive and respectful relationship dynamic.

According to psychologist Malika Chandra, “A partner may experience psychological effects from emotional infidelity that are comparable, if not more complex.” They could experience feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, rage, and betrayal of trust. On the other hand, emotional infidelity, as opposed to physical infidelity, can also confuse the victim’s mind. The lines separating emotional infidelity may not always be obvious, which can lead to a great deal of uncertainty and self-doubt.

According to Chandra, the person who has cheated may even appear to have less control, which could make the other feel even worse about themselves. According to the same reasoning, the cheating partner might also be struggling with a lot of confusing feelings of guilt. 

“On another note, since emotional cheating can be hard to define, the partner doing the cheating may even gaslight the other if the relationship involves some level of emotional abuse,” the author says. It is possible that the victim of gaslighting will not realise its effects until enough bitterness has festered inside of them.

It gets difficult to “define what counts and what does not” when it comes to emotional cheating, according to Chandra. According to her, “it is critical that the two partners in the relationship set clear expectations for each other and communicate honestly and openly.”

She goes on to say that it might or might not be considered cheating when it comes to the single act of a wandering gaze. You could enquire as to whether the third person is supposed to see the wandering gaze to grasp the subtlety of this. How often does it look like this? Is there any fantasy, comparison, or validation-seeking going on behind this stare? Is the individual proactively looking to connect with others? Are they disregarding their partner’s response too much? According to Chandra, it would be beneficial for the partner who cheated to “be completely transparent and open to answering uncomfortable questions from their partner. It might be crucial to sever all connections with the third party. 

To reduce some of their anxiety, she continues, they should also make an effort to be consistent and patient with their partner. Additionally, both partners will need to rebuild their emotional and physical closeness. Couples therapy can help restore intimacy, trust, and communication, as well as identify the underlying cause. It might take some time, effort, and dedication for the partner who has been betrayed to learn how to forgive,” she adds. 

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